Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

The mission of Brush Creek Baptist Church is to reach out into our community through evangelism calling people to salvation and gathering them corporately weekly to live our faith through worship, reading of the Scriptures, fellowship and encouragement. 

Vision 150

Brush Creek will be 150 years old in June of 2027. The vision of Brush Creek Baptist Church is to see raise up disciples in our community, America and the world that our fully devoted to Christ through worshiping  God and loving our neighbors. 

What we value

  • The Scriptures as our absolute authority personally and corporately.
  • Evangelism and discipleship as the means to mature in the faith and impact our culture.
  • Fellowship through authentic relationships evidenced by how we love and encourage one another.
  • Having a Missional DNA to impact every culture with the Gospel by raising up church planters and cross-cultural missionaries.
  • Worship including through song, preaching of the word, ordinances of baptism and Lord's supper, and being generous through tithes and offerings. 

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